MicroscopyDB is a community-driven effort, led by the Founding Members with contributions from the Partners listed below. It emerged following international stakeholder discussions held during the 2022 European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) meeting. Other communities and interested parties are invited to connect and get involved as contributors to the database content and/or as partners displaying content.
MicroscopyDB was established in 2022 by the efforts of an initial steering committee of founding microscopy organizations listed below. The pilot was coordinated by BioImaging North America through an award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
The Steering Committee is made up of a representative from each of the founding member groups and a representative from each of the partners (community members who have executed the MicroscopyDB MOU) to help steer the pilot and make decisions around the site and database structure.
European Light Microscopy Initiative
Latin America BioImaging
Austrian BioImaging
BioImaging North America Coordinator
Danish BioImaging
NMI Sweden
BioImaging UK and RMS
Global BioImaging
Mexico BioImaging
The Karolinska Institute, Sweden
BINA Training & Education Working Group Chair
VolumeEM Community
India BioImaging
Euro-BioImaging ERIC
African BioImaging Consortium
Canada BioImaging
German BioImaging
SingaScope and A*STAR
Steering Commitee Alumni
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